Thursday, October 4, 2012

A Challenge for Myself

  I am challenging myself to post a little something everyday this month. I don't post alot because I don't feel very exciting these days. But I do have a bike crash on the trail. Home bottled vegetable soup (amongst other canning adventures) the Hotel Johnson, new books discovered, funny grandchildren and life is just so funny when I get over crying.
Today is Alaina's birthday. I wish her a very happy birthday and am visiting her this Sunday. I still remember the thrilling moment when Grandma Kathy and I heard the "It's a girl!", and the squeals from both of us. She has always been a princess to me. I had that same thrill with each of my kiddies. I will try and send you all birthday wishes on the blog this year. I wish her the best 6th birthday she will ever have.


Lesley said...

I just "tuned in" and saw your recent posts. I will look forward to your daily post... although I may have to read a few at a time if I don't get on the computer everyday. I am grateful for you, you bless my life and are an example of all that is good. Love you.

Stephanie said...

I remember being shocked when I saw all that hair. I can't believe it has been six years already. I am glad you were a part of her special day.