Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Half of All is Gathered In

I spent last night planting roses, clipping shrubs, cleaning out gardens, putting away patio cushions etc. I sitll need to put away the tiles from the table, plant bulbs etc. Ask me if I accomplished all this as I may need some prodding. I kind of want to get cozy with a mug of hot cocoa and a scary movie or even just to listen to Tales form the Tomb. Now that is a good time. I am planning on listening to it sometime this week.  
  I guess the Rec center days are upon me. It's not my favorite way to exercise. Maybe it will be a novelty for the first few times. I am finding that there just aren't enough hours in the day. I could about 6 more. Anyone else?
  It is Red Ribbon Week this week at my school. I forgot to wear red yesterday. Today was  'Dress up and get your picture taken '. (It was also yearbook picture day)  I choose to wear red today. Everyone keeps complimenting me on the color. Maybe I should invest in more red clothes. Why is it that when I smile in a mirror I look okay, but when I smile for a camera, I look like a dork?

1 comment:

Lesley said...

I'm loving your daily blogging! When are we getting together again?