Monday, October 15, 2012

Little things can sink a ship

Or in this case, cripple a librarian. Karma strikes again. A few weeks ago, Hayden got a bloody nose. Granted it was a heavy one, but I was not sympathetic. He was panicking and I was tired and made Steve take care of him. I know he wanted to go to an emergency room, but I was patient and waited it out.
This morning I got a bloody nose at 7:00. It is still going. I am starting to get a little concerned, but only enough to go home after my last class in 1/2 hour. I took a lot of Ibuprofen last week and I am sure I have thin blood. I am also sure that the change of seasons is partially to blame, but dang it...I am NOT going to the doctor for a bloody nose and dang it ....I hate giving up sick leave for a bloody  nose. Any advice???? (Rats, I just got my shirt.)

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I'm glad it stopped. I was worried about you.