Saturday, October 13, 2012

"Soup" er Saturday

Today is wild and wooly. I started out with a YW meeting. Then zooming around to get ready to preserve vegetable soup with Marinda. I am teachng her to use the pressure canner. Today is also 'work on the roof' day. We are finally getting the damaged repaired and are feeling the love of our neighbors with the project. Suddenly I realize that these strong workers are going to get hungry. So I frantically ran to the store and made a couple of pots of soup for everyone. The first batch of veggie soup is just about ready to come out of the canner. it feels so good. There is something about doing things for yourself that is very satisfying. I was talking with a friend the other day and she couldn't understand why I like this. I was telling her that my niece Mindy is sharing a recipe for Hazel nut spread. She wonders why I would make my own....Try is a good feeling. I would love to do a type of homemade party (similiar to the incredible Favorites party hosted by a bff) and exchange all the incredible priceless things we create. Anyone on board for that?


Tiffany said...

I'd for sure come. Of course if I were invited. This month I've done salsa, apples, applesauce, raspberry jam, grape juice and jalapeno jelly. Very satisfying indeed.

Lesley said...

I would for sure come!!! A party like that sounds fun. Is your roof finished now? Mike came by Saturday morning to help but nobody answered the door. You were probably at the YW meeting and the guys... maybe asleep still :)