Friday, October 26, 2012

Homage to Spiders

WARNING Arachnophobics- beware there are pictures of spiders in this post. I like the little critters. I can see the benefit that they are to me. Let me also say that I can see the benefits of snakes, but will not ever blog about them, let alone take a photo of either a real snake or an artistic one. Spiders and I do have an understanding that they are never supposed to crawl on me. I will react and send them flying. Do any of my kids remember Manny? I loved watching the beautiful orb shaped web above our door. Remember the taratula that Hayden and Carter caught a couple of years ago? I guess I don't remember fully, because I can't remember it's name. Kenny loves catching those big honking spiders in the basement. He named one Talulla (SP). I always thought they were wolf spiders but they are actually something different. (I can't remember the correct name now! hahaha) My friend makes neat spider jewelry. See the pictures.
(Phobics settle down- these are the only pictures)

I love my spiders...especially the sparkling ones.




Stephanie said...

Whew. I was worried about the pictures. Hey, guess what? We watched Arachnophobia last night (well, I saw about 65% of it - the rest of the time I had my head under a blanket. :)

Stecky said...

That would be a good scary show for you. I was thinking of you with the warning!

Lesley said...

I love the jewelry. While at a meeting recently one of the counselors in our presidency had a cute beaded spider just like the one in the first photo.