Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thankful Thinks

Yes, I typed that right. I am going to commit to write as often as I can about the thinking I do about my blessings. Life has seemed very overwhelming lately, but as I pour my heart out to my Father in Heaven, I always try to thank Him for my blessings. As I start, they outweigh the problems that are looming before me. The problems are so bulky that sometimes I don't see all the blessings that flit around me all day long.
Today I would like to dedicate my thoughts to color and light.
I love light. I think that is why I struggle with winter. I love the way that it intensifies color. Aren't we blessed? I am grateful that my eyes can see. I am grateful for the beauty and magic that each new sun rise presents daily. I understand why Christ asks us to be light to the rest of the world. He wants us to intensify His gospel. He wants us to help those around us to see and feel His love. I am grateful for all that I am looking at today. I can read, play music, garden, ride my bike and numerous other things because of light. If I can be a light to others, maybe they can do marvelous things also.

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