Tuesday, November 8, 2011


I am so grateful for the skills that have been given to me. I am especially grateful I can read. With that skill, I have been able to learn many other things. I am grateful for the ability to make new things. I am working on Christmas gifts for my parents right now. Iam grateful that I can do this. I hope the projects will turn out nice enough to give away.
I am grateful for musical talents. I love singing and playing piano. I am really loving learning to play the recorder and fife. I enoy my ability to enjoy other people's talents at making music also.
I am grateful that I can make food for my family. I am grateful I cn ride a bike. I am grateful I can drive a car and am independant.
I know where my gifts came from. The skills and talents that we all enjoy are gifts from Heavenly Father. I love to enjoy my gifts and yours!


Paula said...

I am grateful that you are so willing to share your many talents with the rest of us!

Lesley said...

You have been blessed with many talents Becky... I'm curious what you are making for your parents, you always create such wonderful things.