Sunday, November 20, 2011

My Halls Are Alive with the sound of ...

Music! The magical healer. I am blessed to be able to surround myself with great music. I have steroes, MP3s, many instruments and my children's voices. I think singing with my family is my very favorite. Thank you to my family for every blessed minute they sang with me. Thank you especially to Hayden. Lately he is the one to join me in making music. If I play the piano and sing he will soon join me. I am learning to play the recorder and fife right now. As I play, Hayden will either hum along or join me in playing one of them.
Music brings peace to my soul. It teaches me great spiritual lessons. It helps me work better. IT strengthens my testimony. It changes my moods. Thank you Heavenly Father for all the music on the earth. Thank you for ears to hear, voice and fingers to create and a heart that is healed by music.

1 comment:

Grandma Hulse said...

I remember when we used to sing together as a family for the Christmas party at the hospital. You kids all had amazing voices. If you can get your dad to sing, I'll give you a prize!