Monday, November 4, 2013

Thankful and Loving It

I love to count my blessings. There are so many of them. I am especially stoked because this month is the time to count away. I am going to share from Friday until today.
I am grateful that I got to take a class. This is my final project. It was white cake with Chocolate French Silk Filling. Two of my flowers were made by the instructor, the rest by me. Can you tell which is which?
Saturday, I was grateful that I got to spent the day cleaning my basement. It was a thrill for me. I reclaimed my bathroom, organized my TV room and started working on my library. I got the laundry done and stayed inside coming down with a crummy cold, but I felt happy.

Sunday, I went to Sacrament meeting and was blessed in countless ways. I came home after because of the illness I am succumbing to...the oven wasn't working. But I was grateful for crock pots. One for the meat and one for the squash. It worked out great. I even got to enjoy my table with some new DI china. Fancy!

Steve and Morgan tasting my final project.

I also got to watch two of my guys. Big T can make a toy out of anything. I guess I had better fill that Cornucopia with some plastic fruit or it will be a gnome hat forever.

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