Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Amazing Chemicals

I was reading about the Pilgrims last night. It didn't sound pleasant. The long voyage in the Mayflower in cramped and dirty conditions, knowing that they were leaving civilization and trying to bring everything they could. The poor housing for the first 3 or 4 years...It kind of sounded like my kitchen right now. Hahaha. They got very sick. In fact, in the first group of settlers only 4 women survived the first year. I have a very nasty cold bug. I have felt miserable but, I can take modern medicine (which I believe was heaven inspired) to get relief. I had beautiful floors and furniture in my home. I have ways to keep our food safe and preserve it for long periods of time.
I am sleeping flat in a cozy clean bed each night. Right now, we are experiencing the 'Fritz' in our kitchen. The microwave and oven are feeling under the weather. Superman is busily trying to solve the problem, but it may be a while. I am not discouraged. I still have the means to take care of our family. Crock pots are miracles. So is my trailer, which I am seriously contemplating moving into! I also have the peace of the Gospel. The Pilgrims pressed on to give me the chance to worship my Father in Heaven according to my heart. They lived and loved Him in the way that was best for their hearts. I appreciate all those who pioneered life so that I can have the peace and knowledge that I enjoy today. I know. That's says it all. I know.

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