A few weeks ago, I met an angel on the trail I was walking upon. I changed my direction and walked with the angel. I ended up going about 3 times further and much faster than I anticipated, but how do you quit walking with an angel when you start? This angel talked with me, sharing life experiences, giving me strength and listening to my heart. Thank you SF. You are an angel.
Many times angels 'walk' with me. Sometimes I don't recognize that they are angels because I think I am their mother. But as I am in their presence and feel the strength that they offer, I know that they are with me because they were sent by Heavenly Father. Thank you SL,JJ MT,MG LJ, HJ andCJ and the other halves of your heavenly teams.
This morning, I visited an angel's website. It was full of testimony of my Savior. It was full of divine music. It was full of hope and faith and encouragement. I felt sustained and renewed. Ready to make today a better day because of her music. Thank you Sally Deford. You are an angel.
Almost a month ago, an angel took me to a play. I have had a very hard summer. Full of anquish and worry. Full of pain and illness. Full of poverty and loneliness. My angels (one of them was male!), gave me an evening of fun and attention. It was fantastic. I felt very blessed because these angels have been in my life for almost 25 years. Thank you LL and ML. You are angels.
Every morning I wake up with an angel. A hard working, sacrificing, thoughtful angel. He listens to my cries even when he has no idea what I really want or need and tries to figure out how to sustain me. As I struggle with getting well, he has joined in my life style change, giving up his nightly ice cream orgies, and joining me in exercising daily. I came home this afternoon to the wonderful smell of salsa in my house and many little pint bottles cooling on the counter. He works so hard and thinks of all those around him. Thank you Steve you are my angel.
I want to be an angel sometime. I am learning to be grateful and aware of others needs. Sometimes I am scared and uncomfortable and don't take care of those around me like I should. But, I am grateful for repentance and new chances. I guess I thought angels are people that aren't having struggles, who look for weary travelers and lighten their loads. I am learning that angels are having growing pains of their own, but have hearts that can take care of brothers and sisters around them.
I know I have blogged this before, but....here's to all the angels in my life. Thanks for taking me 'home'