Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Give Me Back My Trail!

Life isn't fair.
I have been told that many times and witnessed the truth of that statement many times. I have even been known to mutter that to my children. I came of age when the ERA movement was alive and well. I admit I didn't really understand a lot of the furor. Why were women asking for equal rights? I thought we, as women, had better rights in some instances. I think women should be treated with love, respect and perhaps a little awe. I thought women should be given equal pay for equal work, but realized that sometimes a woman may not have the physical ability to do everything a man could do. I was very conservative. I don't want the priesthood. I don't want to join the Army. But now I am mad. How come some cowardly, sick, perverted creep can take my right to a little free time and exercise by myself. I haven't heard any men being cautioned to not go out exercising by themselves. In fact, Steve just left on a bike ride by himself. He (out of love and protection for me...how romantic!) will not allow me to be on the trails by myself. I am following his advice, but still.... Sometimes I really enjoy walking or riding on the trails by myself. I can think things through. I can enjoy the beauties of the trail. I can feed my soul with the songs of birds and the rustling of grass without having to keep up a conversation with someone.
When this individual chose to attempt his attack, he violated that poor woman. He violated me. He violated every woman that chooses to try and pursue a healthy life style. We had something very precious taken from us. Yes, it was a wake up call that we live in evil times. Yes, we need to be wise. I just feel picked on because it didn't strike fear into the male population. I actually realize that the time is not too far distant when men will have to think about protecting themselves from predators. How much worse can it get? I think I am angry because I have had to give up a lot of my coping mechanisms. I have tried to replace them with healthier habits. Now that I love to exercise, I am not going to give them up.
Give me my right to release the stresses of the day .....on the trails. And by the way, you 10% of the bikers that are selfish, rude antisocial speed demons....warn us politely as you pass. Share the trails and smile at your fellow travelers once in a while. The trail is NOT a race training facility..nor your personal property.


Tiffany said...

Well said, well said, well said!!

Lesley said...

You go girl!! It isn't fair. I love to walk on that trail, and have many times by myself. I will never do it again. Once, just once, I walked through the tunnel alone on the Legacy trail, it really creeped me out because I thought it was a crime scene waiting to happen. But instead it happens on the open trail near my home.
Maybe it did strike some fear in the men... after all, Steve is afraid of you walking on the trail alone.
I'm amazed at how many bike riders have come from behind without warning... seriously, they could do some major harm.
Don't give up on your walk. I know that I love my walk, but I'll stick to the road when I'm alone (although that is apparently not safe either).

Bonnie and Jim said...

Amen to that!! My feelings exactly.

Grandma Hulse said...

I wish I had the gift of expressing true feelings that you do. Let's get something published!
I think you speak for all women who have lived in a state of lump-in-the-throat feelings at one time or another.