Sunday, October 10, 2010

Applekin Festival - Installment One

Happy Birthday Lacey!
October 9, 2010 marked the first official Johnson Family Applekin Festival. Named by reason of our bountiful harvest of apples and pumpkins. The afternoon's festivities began with all the family arriving. We also welcomed Grandma Hulse, Megan, Lauren, Lexi, Kathy Lambert and Mark Lindsey. The children were treated to 'hay rides' and an apple craft which consisted of T shirt printing. The hay rides were so well received that the minute the mower started they all ran from whatever corner they were in at the time to climb in the wagon. Even some of the not so young kids joined in. Thanks to Carter and Hayden for your careful driving skills. There was a 'photo- op' area set aside. We had a yummy dinner. A huge 'Thanks' goes to Jeremiah for cooking the Dutch Oven dinner. (I realized I was in over my head as everything started). The same 'Thanks' goes to Marinda and Morgan for all their pre- party help. In addition to the dutch oven feast we enjoyed chips and salsa, rolls, fruit and apple jello salad (see Pass the Salt for the recipe). Morgan brought Apple cake and Steve made Huckleberry ice cream. We took some time to wish Lacey a Happy Birthday. We wish her a great day tomorrow. Thanks for joining our family, Lacey. After dinner, we joyfully ran to the apple pressing area to begin smashing apples....wait that's the next installment. All the children were allowed to choose a pumpkin to take home with them. I declare the festival a success. I was so grateful to spend time with some of my 'love- dedest' ones. Thank you Stephand Rich for making the trip down. Thanks to Mark for bringing our Lacey. Thanks to Steve for his masterminded apple press.

The hayriders

The hay driver

The picture will have to say it all

Grandma and Liam

Making apple print shirts

Totally tired and happy


Bonnie and Jim said...

Looks like your family had a fun night.
I remember helping my father every year pick the apples. I didn't much like it until I got older and appreciated the benifits of the work. I sure miss his apples.

Tiffany said...

How very, very fun! My kids saw Hayden and Joe out on the trail behind my house with that tractor/trailer and laughed and laughed at the big boys having fun! What a great tradition you just started!