Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Help Me De-Scrooge Myself

So I just wrote this long impassioned plea to help me get in the mood for Christmas, and it didn't publish. So here is a more thought out, mature request. I love the fact that the Plan of Salvation is so perfect and so divinely planned. What better way to present a gift to the world than to have a sweet tiny infant and His celebrated birth dawn on a needy world? I love that about Christmas. But now I am having the hardest season I can ever remember. Of course money is an issue, but it goes deeper than that. I need to feel the Spirit of Christmas. I would love to see your Christmas tree on your blog. (Maybe this is a tag!) Share your favorite Christmas song, tradition or memory with me. Help me out, please?


Morgan said...

Check out Tiffany's blog. I'm going to try and do the same.

Bonnie and Jim said...

I know some years are difficult. I feel like I'm going through the motions but with no feeling most of the time. I think your idea of posting pictures of our trees is a great idea.

Grandma Hulse said...

I am too stupid yo post a picture, but I do have something to say about the Savior of the World. Think, my dear daughter of the words to some of the songs of Christmas. One of my favorites is from We Three Kings. "King, and God, and Sacrifice". The magnificent Creator, sacrificed, after taking all our sins upon His regal and supreme shoulders. He who has the knowledge, power, Piesthood and love to create worlds, galaxies, universes and teeny ants, dinosaurs. little boys and girls and yet His love covers all. Another phrase is "Mild He lays His glory by". That brings tears to my eyes as I realize what a hands on Being He is. He stooped down and touched those who needed His touch and He touches me. I know He touches you, Becky because of the Christlike way you touch others. Thanks for the example you will ever be to me. I know He loves me because He gave me you.

Paula said...

Becky, thanks for accompanying me tonight. I have lots of music so if you have an hour or so and want to just play some music with me give me a call! I wish I had your talent for playing the piano. I can't post a picture of our tree yet because it isn't up yet!