Friday, May 28, 2010

Going Tribal

I am getting excited for Youth conference in a few weeks. 2010 Strong. (Don't hit the 'i', it becomes 2010 'String'.) We need 8 sets of clothes for the family. At first, it felt like a chore, but I am really enjoying designing and sewing our tunics, head wear and belts. I have machine embroidered a design on everyone's outfit that let's us remember we are Johnsons. Here is a mini fashion show.Mine is looking like 'costly apparel'. Steve will make a great Tribal Leader in autumn colors and turquoise stripes. Hayden wanted long sleeves. and "Thanks" to Tiffany Sowby for making Carter's tunic. I added the red at home to liven it up. Won't we look like Nephites and Lamanites?


Tiffany said...

So glad the photo didn't get put up that showed the original finished product... Remember when i must have had a brain lapse and thought Carter only had one arm...? So embarrassed for you to see my horrible sewing, but hey-guess it's one way I can be part of the fabulous youth conference. You're family is GREAT!

Stecky said...

Thank you Tiffany for sewing the outfit...also for the laugh. It was funny to see the one armed bandit. I thought your sewing was great! I actually like these kind of things where there really isn't a 'wrong' way to do them.

Bonnie and Jim said...

They look great!!! Ok, you have inspired me. Now you have made me want to get started on mine. I don't know if they will be as fancy though.

Lesley said...

Your tribal wear looks fantastic. I suppose I'd better get started on Caitlin's... I'm to busy "floating" to even think about sewing. But if you've read any of my past costume making posts you know how I roll... it will get done when it's the top priority. Actually, I should have Caitlin do it as a YW value project. That is neat that all four of you get to go together.