Thursday, February 20, 2014

Pre- Spring

This is kind of a throw back because I have a lot of memories, but I love this pre spring weather. Although I know the temperatures drop to frigid torture and there are still snowy days ahead, it is time for the earth to tilt a new direction and the ground to gently nudge the sleeping plant life to wake up.
   I love the afternoons when I notice that the snow has trickled away and the grass, while still brown, beckons me to step on over and enjoy. The twilight time seems full of excitement. I am pulled outside to celebrate. Although it is still chilly and I really should put on a sweater or jacket. I love the air kissing my arms and making them so cool. Instead of running for my electric blanket I am running in the out of doors. It is so exciting to see the little crowns of green that promise to be tulips, daffodils, hostas and peonies peering up at me as I carefully pull all the winter crud off of them. As a child, I tried so hard to fit 3 hours worth of play into the extra hour of daylight. That pre-spring twilight has a definite color to it. I can feel the color. It is impossible to describe but 'tastes' like purple, lavender, smoky gray, pink with just  a kiss of sunshine gold to it. Here come the nights of sleeping under the life renewing freshness of an open window. Here come the games of tag and movement after being a prisoner of winter. Here come the little bumps on the stretching branches that are ready to explode.
I love Spring!

Come on back my bird friends!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

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