Monday, August 26, 2013

It's Plane to See

A couple of weeks ago, K stopped by with boys. they were headed to the Air Force Museum. The boys asked if they could get Grammy and Popie to go with them. I am so glad they asked us. We were really busy and probably shouldn't have left our tasks, but it was a great day.
This was huge. You really have to stand under it to understand the mass.

This was C's looks like he is trying to push the plane.

The interactive displays.

The only picture I coudl get of Little T. You wouldn't believe how I had to manuever to get this one!

I have always liked these tigery planes

C in the jump seat

Watching movies...why I didn't get a picture of the donation bowl, I'll never know. I think it was the highlight of the adventure.

For the M*A*S*H fans

Still attempting the smile

no comment

There were so many unusual planes. There were even some helicopters with open bays that I really wanted to sneak into...but I was good. Thanks for the invite boys!


Rebekah said...

I LOVE the Air Force Museum!

Stephanie said...

Wow! That looks super fun!

Morgan said...

Thank you so much for going with them. It really made their day. They love talking about going with grandma to see the airplanes. Wish I could've gone too.