Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Grateful For Health

Last night, I had a visitor about 9:00 PM. I wasn't feeling very well, I think I may have had a reaction to the flu shot I received a few days ago. I was achy and my face was so sore. I felt chilled like I was getting a fever. About 1/2 hour before my visitor, we had some groceries and a sweet note left on our porch. It said something to the effect that as they prayed for direction on who to serve and they thought of us. It had a quote by Pres. Uchtdorf. It was so touching. I felt so loved. I didn't need the groceries but I needed the thoughts.
   Then my visitor arrived. I really didn't feel like getting out of bed to visit with Cooper, but pulled on my plush white robe and walked down the hall. A very somber Cooper stated that he was so sorry to hear about my cancer. I was shocked. He told me how he had heard at mutual through the Boy Scouts that I had cancer. We had a good time. I think someone may have confused the situation. I do have a dear neighbor facing a hard disease. I wonder if that was who really should have received the service. As we laughed and tried to straighten everyone out, I reflected on the blessing I had just been given. I was allowed to speculate a different scenario than the life I am currently enjoying. I am grateful for my good health. I wonder how I would have been feeling if the rumor had been true? What would my attitude have been? With what level of faith would I have been functioning? I am glad that I don't have to face that right now. But I do feel very assured that I wouldn't be alone...physically or spiritually. What great friends and neighbors I have!

1 comment:

Lesley said...

I'm sure glad that I didn't hear you had cancer... and even more glad that you don't. Love you.