Monday, November 19, 2012

A Leap of Faith?

Hayden and Carter love to visit an establishment known as "Get Air". It is located in Kayesville and they love to have a free night, friends and money to visit the trampoloine park. We decided to go and watch them as part of our date last Friday. It was wild. People were asking them to do tricks. They were amazing. I got a few pictures then turned off the camera and started to enjoy. How do they dare do all these stunts?


Morgan said...

That looks like so much fun! I want to do a super hero party for Colton there. By the way thank you so much for watching my sick kids so Kenny and I could have a break. We really appreciated it.

Lesley said...

I wouldn't dare to do any of those stunts. But it sure looks like fun!!

Grandma Hulse said...

That is an amazing establishment! Oh, what fun it is to jump on an giant trampoline!