Monday, February 15, 2010

Can You Feel the Excitement?

I am feeling a whisper of spring. I have no signs, just a feeling in the air. I am putting away all the snowman and Valentimes (for you Hayden) stuff today and looking for my spring tablecloths. Every time I walk by a garden I am searching for little reddish green tips of tulips. Or straight and strong towers of future daffodils. I have totally forgotten where I planted my bulbs last fall so in a few weeks, I will be excited to discover the balm of spring. I remember the spring colors, the tall purple iris, the sunset hues of the tulips. I even love the little weeds already trying to push a place into the garden. Sorry little weeds, you will have to look for a home somewhere else, but I love your color. I am picturing the apple trees with their pale pinks, and the peach tree with it's brilliant pink. I am listening for the love songs of the birds as they find a new home for their babies (sorry Lesley). I know that in the coming weeks I will be able to sleep with my window open and fall asleep to the lullaby of the frogs. Can anyone bottle that incredible fresh smell? And my favorite holiday is already decorating my mind. This has been worth the wait. This is worth enduring a cold and worse dark. I love the light. It's coming!!!!


Aimee said...

YAHOO!! I am very excited!

Lesley said...

I loved that post, very well written (I'll forgive about the birds). I can't wait to come to Centerville!!

Morgan said...

I can hardly wait to come to your back yard and smell those beautiful lilacs. My favorite smell in the whole world. Come on Spring!

Tiffany said...

Bottling the Spring smell...what a fabulous idea! I can't wait either. Who doesn't love Springtime!?

Stephanie said...

I'm looking forward to coming to your house and enjoying a nice cold ice water and the patio!