Monday, December 9, 2013

Grateful for a Wonderful Thanksgiving

I just realized that I hadn't posted about our Pioneer Thanksgiving. It was fabulous. The turkey was done by 11:00 ( and we were eating at 1:00). We  kept it warm in the Dutch oven ... It was so tender and moist. It took three of use to get it on the platter. It's been requested that we always cook our turkey that way. The corn bread was also marvelous. Maybe having the oven fritz out on us is a big blessing. I thoroughly enjoyed the boys in the house. Please note their after the meal activities. I loved the day.
The coals for the feast

Steve is so good at this

The main event
The best cornbread....ever
It took all three of us to get the bird out of the pot!

I wish I had this option once in a while.

Yes, we did have a miner smoldering incident while enjoying our ingenious meal prep.

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