Friday, October 14, 2011

A Hug and A Kiss

I have been feeling very 'beat up' the past few weeks. Strange new experiences have left me feeling a little like I feel off my bike and have scraped up knees and elbows. Yesterday, I really felt like I wanted a hug and a kiss from my Heavenly Father to let me know that the pain will subside and I will have joyous days again. All day I waited for the hug and kiss. It came. Just like it always does. He sent an angel to talk with me. She soothed me and let me know that I wasn't alone. She made me smile and my heart lightened up. The lift in my spirits was what I needed to get inspiration to teach my children. Heavenly Father is there. I know that. Sometimes I feel like the outside of me is weak and weary, but my heart always knows. My prayers were answered once again. We may be living in depressing times, but the colors and sounds and smells of the world are glorious. He is coming. I can watch.

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

You are lucky. And deserving.