Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A Drink To Lily the Pink...

My mother asked for some of my Christmas Beverage Recipes. so I love to share.
Holiday Egg Nog (the way I make it)
14-18 eggs (depends on my mood and the family chickens moods)
2 1/4 - 3 c. sugar (see above and to your taste)
3/4 tsp salt
2 bottles (1 0z) rum flavoring (Save a bottle for sniffing...hey if I wasn't trying to be a good Mormon, I might try to be a good pirate. I also recommend Kroger brand flavoring and it goes on sale a lot)
1 gal whole milk
Beat the eggs until light and foamy. Add sugar and salt and beat until thick and lemon colored. (Hey it still looks egg colored to me!). Stir in milk and flavoring and chill at least 3 hours. You can sprinkle with nutmeg if desired.

Peppermint Pleaser (the way I make it)
1 gallon whole milk (obviously you could use any milk all the way to skim, but then you might freak out at the final ingredient.)
1 c. sugar
8 TB crushed peppermint candy (Hey it's candy canes and if you want this pink you better make sure they have the artificial coloring and aren't the 'healthy' white kind. Put them in a double Ziploc bag and give to an older child with a meat tenderizer....works great!)
1/2 tsp. peppermint flavoring (see recommendation above)
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 gallon vanilla ice cream.
Mix it all together. Pour back into milk carton (I have to recruit an extra container at this point.) Distribute the crushed candy proportionately. Refrigerate 24 hours and shake before serving. The real recipe has you chill this without the ice cream and whisk the softened ice cream at serving. But then they are expecting you to have a fancy punch bowl and cups and all that. They don't know that people at our house have been known to chug if they think no one else will drink anymore and they can have it to themselves.....Hmmmmm maybe I feel like a chug!


Morgan said...

Sounds yummy. I know that the eggnog is all ready a favorite with Kenny. I do have to admit that I am a chugger. You go to the fridge do a quick look around to make sure no one is looking and you go for it. LOL.

Lesley said...

Remind me to never have anything to drink at Morgan's house :-) Didn't you do that peppermint pleaser at recipe club? It sounds yummy!! Happy New Year tonight. We will miss you guys but we're excited to go to Jeremy's and be with all of our kids and grandkids. When are we going to David Early!?! Love ya

Grandma Hulse said...

Thanks, my dear, dear, clever and wonderful daughter. You are awesome. I can't wait to try these recipes. I don't know why you 'choosed' me for your mama, but it was my lucky day. I sure enjoyed your holiday blogs. Love, Mom.

Stecky said...

I got this recipe from Recipe Club but it was originally Janet's. We just tweaked it to fit us. It is a tradition at our house now!

Bonnie and Jim said...

I forgot to drink. Sounds wonderful!! Thanks for the fun party. There were times when I thought I would faint from laughing so hard. You have a fun family. Happy New Year!!