Wednesday, March 2, 2011

My Tag is Showing

Sooo, I wondered why Lesley didn't tag me, but it was okay because I am a little crazy right now. But I am thrilled to have something to blog about...It might get embarrassing.
Four places I go:
1.Meadowbrook Elementary
2. Leger's Store (Every Friday! to see my baby)
3. The Rec Center (oy, it isn't that great of a place)
4. Church
Four Favorite Smells
1. Any Flower
2. Chocolate, (Hey, I have to get it somehow)
3. Rain
4. Grass
Four Favorites TV Shows or Movies
1. Galaxy Quest
2. Oh, Brother, Where Art Thou?
3. Jane Eyre (Lots of heaving bodices)
4. One Foot in the Grave

Four Recommendations
1. Be grateful and notice everything Heavenly Father has given you.
2. Ask Heavenly Father to bless your every step.
3. Be nice to everyone you meet
4. Move over and share the road with you fellow travelers

Four people I'm tagging
1. My Mom!!
2. Lacey
3. Stephanie
4. Bonnie
Love you. Love doing this!


Lesley said...

I LOL at your Jane Eyre answer. We haven't had a movie day w/your girls for a long time. We need to do it. I feel some good laughter coming on :-)

Morgan said...

I love your title! And I say yes to a movie night with Lesley!