Tuesday, October 22, 2013

This Takes The Cake

I have been taking a cake decorating class. It's something I have always been interested in doing. It was only $10.00...then all the nickel and diming began, but I am having a riot. I want to take all four courses.
First night. All the supplies.

Finished cookies. No, someone didn't take a bite of the cookies. They just broke apart. 

My classmates. I am enjoying getting to know them. I think I remember their names, but I told them I wouldn't publish them. They are very fun people.

This weeks project. 

In process...good thing you can't see my mistakes. This is going to take practice!

Finished product. Sunday's dessert.

My instructor. She is fantastic. I am learning a lot.
Nest week-cupcakes and Chrysanthemum flowers. 


Rebekah said...

GOOD FOR YOU! You are doing a great job!

Paula said...

What a cute cake! Where are you taking the class?