Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Showering Lacey

We had a tremendous party for Lacey. Thank you to her sisters for providing a place to party. She got some great gifts. I am so excited for grandbaby number 10!
Loved the decorations

What a lot of love!

These diapers were a way for us to leave notes for Lacey to read for middle of the night feedings.

Fun people

Fun People

There's my grandbaby!

I didn't even get a picture of the wonderful food. We finished the night with the Women's Broadcast, dinner and trinkets. It was the best.


Stephanie said...

I love how you carefully omitted all the pictures that I so lovingly photo-bombed...


Stecky said...

I think you photo bombed Marinda's camera...I am going to check it out right now!