Thursday, January 26, 2012

Oh, What Do You Do.....

Oh, what do you do in the winter time
When all the world is froze.
Do you defrost your toes or clean out your nose
or look for a new kind of rose?

Seriously, how do you keep your sanity in the long cold dark hours of winter? I have been reading a ton. I am just interested in how to keep from baking treats and eating them.


Grandma Hulse said...

How about coming up to your parents and having a card game or just a fire or going over some old photos to see which ones you want? We could have some healthy treats and positive feedback from the two people who love you and your family most!

Lesley said...

Get involved with a handiwork project (crochet, quilt, x-stitch). You can't eat treats if your hands are too busy to pick them up :)

Rebekah said...

I tend to make quilts for Humanitarian aid...