Wednesday, January 18, 2012

I Purpose a Change

I have really been struggling with the winter blues...once again. I looked back on the autumn season and realized that I need Thanksgiving in January. Why shouldn't we move it? It would finally get the recognition it deserves if it came after Christmas. January is a bleak month, but a great time to reflect on my blessings. I realize that we celebrate a day of giving thanks for our harvests, but my harvests come in all year. So.. I am going to have a mini Thanksgiving. I may even set aside a Sunday and prepare a special meal. I am so grateful for all the help my Heavenly Father sends to me. He even calmed my troubled mind with perfect peace the other day. I promise I couldn't have done it myself.
I wonder if any of my family (children, parents etc. ) would like to celebrate our blessings a second time in January?
Could be fun and very therapeutic.


Lesley said...

That sounds like a great idea!!

Tiffany said...

Do it! January is kind of a "blah" month. It needs a little something added. A thanksgiving meal seems appropriate. Perhaps I'll do the same!

Grandma Hulse said...

You can have a party at my house and I will make baked cheese sandwiches! I love the idea. I need to see you all!