Saturday, November 12, 2011


Thank goodness we have fruit. I love fruit. As I have learned to choose more wisely what I put into my body, I have a new craving. Fruit. I love it all. I enjoyed watermelon and grape season. It's apple time now. Soon my favorite apples will appear in the stores and I will savor their sweet juiciness. Every day I eat a piece of cheese (I have to eat protein) and then the best part is my fruit. Apples, bananas, grapes, melons you name it, it's all wonderful. I even love dried fruit. Craisins, raisins, mangos or apricots. It's all good! Is there a fruit that isn't good?


Morgan said...

Papaya. Need I say more.

Marinda said...

Tastes like bunghole.

Stecky said...

I guess I have never tasted papaya.