Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Atonement

This is the crowning day of my gratitude month. Just know that everyday I stop and think of my blessings. My very greatest blessing is hard to comprehend. I am coming to understand it better all the time. It is hard to put into words the deep feelings that I get as I realize that the Savior Jesus Christ, my savior, gave to me the world. He made it possible to progress. I can make mistakes and change. He soothes all the bumps I experience in life. He is there. He is so in my heart. I have always wanted to do what is right. I would love to be perfect. It is hard to realize that I am not. That I have a long way to go before I am perfect. It would be very disenheartening to try and make my way back to my Father in Heaven when I have no means to pay the price. Even though I don't fully understand the process or the pain He suffered, I understand what He did for me. As I think about all He did, I have no voice that could praise Him enough. My greatest wish is that my children will discover the truths that I have discovered. If you ever listen to anything I tell you, listen with all your heart now. He lives! He loves us. He is strong and powerful and takes care of us. Nothing could be better than that.


Lesley said...

Beautiful post Becky.

Rebekah said...

In case you didnt' know, you are amazing.