Sunday, October 10, 2010

A Prophet's Visit

Today, as I walked into Sacrament meeting. I noticed a gentleman sitting on the stand. I thought, "Hmm, that looks like Elder Oaks." But I know it wasn't really him. Then Steve came up to me and whispered, "Did you see Elder Oaks on the stand?" I was already seated front and center in my favorite spot on the third bench. Kind of intimidating. I was glad for the prelude music that helped me be reverent. The Spirit was amazing. I wondered if I would feel unworthy (which I did a little bit.) to be in a meeting with an apostle. Then I realized his calling is to testify of the Savior. I thought about how I would feel if the Savior was seated on the stand. I realized that I would be filled with joy and elated to feel the Savior's love in the room. I felt that love. It was a very spiritual meeting. Carter was passing the sacrament and was in charge of the stand. I watched as my youngest son walked up to an apostle and offered him the sacrament. It was a humbling and awesome feeling. Hayden was one of the lucky people that gave testimony during the meeting. It was beautiful and heartfelt. During Sunday school, Elder Oaks visited a youth class. It was Hayden, Joe, Chelsey and Mindy that were in the class. They all had born their testimonies.
In the third hour, we had a meeting as parents with the Young Men to discuss the new Duty to God program. Elder Oaks was in part of that meeting also. Steve asked him to bear his testimony. He was standing about 3 feet from me. I could feel his testimony. He taught the Young Men about the power that they hold. He taught them to use that power to serve others. It was a glorious day. I wish every Sunday could be like that. Most of them are. I still associate with strong and valiant spirits every Sunday. I am so blessed.


Bonnie and Jim said...

It was a special meeting and very special for you as a mother of priesthood holders. You are blessed. We were all very blessed today to have a prophet of God among us.

Tiffany said...

What a neat experience for Carter--and all of us in our own way. We are very blessed.