Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The 'Eyes' Have It

I have one excited 16 year old boy at my house. He was asked to the Halloween dance last night. A knock was heard on the door and a girl he didn't know handed him a Trick or Treat bag with battery candles and a BUNCH of eyes. Joe and Hayden began searching through the eyes and found a few candies with letters on them. It took them a while to find them all and discover his 'admirer'. He had so much fun. Now we are trying to think of a clever way to return his answer. What a fun night that was!

The Note

Eyes of Chocolate and Gooey Rubber

All figured out

The eyes are on me


Lesley said...

Who is it? Who is it? "Eye" want to know :-)

Rebekah said...

CUTE IDEA! did she say yes?

Bonnie and Jim said...

How clever!!

Stephanie said...

How fun! I hope he answered in a cool way!