They made it home victorious! Steve's knee didn't even bother him. They caught fish, had a good relationship with the rangers, had fires, survived the storms and returned home as lean mean working machines. Steve caught a 16 inch fish! Carter finally tried eating fish and liked it. Hayden was like a warrior carrying that heavy pack. They found great places to bunk down. All their equipment worked. The springs were fantastic as usual and they return home with their precious booty. (Spring water in a bottle). I guess I was the only one having a hard 50 miler.

I miss backpacking. I'm glad they had an excellent time.
Check you out! They have only been home a day and you all ready have pictures on the blog.
I'm glad they had a great 50 miler!! I'm sorry yours was bad (but you made me LOL). I hear Centerville calling our names. We need to get it on the calendar...seriously!!! I'm bringing lunch.
It's always good to have your family return safe. Glad they had a good time. We worried they were getting a lot of rain.
Good for them. I think Mike wishes he could have gone with them, but he can't take that kind of time off. Glad they all made it home safe. And even more glad they are home for you and you don't need to worry anymore!
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