Every morning, is a gift- A promise that I can try again to be perfect. Even though I know that I haven't accomplished it yet, I get to try. Every morning is a promise that I am watched over and loved, that angels are lining up to visit me during the day. Sometimes they rub my feet and brush me hair, or make me laugh or hug me while I cry, but I met them every day. I tried to capture the promise I get each morning. This was a glorious sunrise on our camping trip.Thanks for getting me Stephanie and Rich. Today, I will try and be a good friend, a caring mother and a better wife. It's been a glorious day.
I'm glad we could have lunch today. I'm looking forward to a day in Centerville very soon.
Lovely post. Sorry Kenny being in the picture ruined it for me. I was thinking about him instead.
Beatiful thoughts. I love your picture. Thanks for sharing!
You have a gift to express the feelings of your heart not only in song but in written word. Thanks for sharing them. I need the reminder.
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