Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Lessons for the Yard

I am frantically working on getting my yard in shape for a joyous occasion in a few weeks. Hayden informed me that there is a possibility that 'professional landscapers' may be attending. I had two thoughts: One- "Well, Hayden, you better get out there and start whipping things into shape. " Two- I am happy to give them something to look at and think about how they would make it better!
  I really do like working in the yard. My yard is a constant work in progress. Each area is well loved, thought about and given what little attention I can afford. As I was working on the west side of my house, my sweet neighbor peeked over the fence and asked how long does it take to tame weeds and have a beautiful yard....I answered, "I'll let you know if it ever happens" I also shared that weeding is a fact of life if you love your garden. I really enjoy weeding. It gives me time to reflect and I am taught great lessons in the garden. As I weed, I am able to think about the things in my life that could be considered weeds. Things I would like to replace with beauty. I am able to do my spiritual weeding at the same time. As I tenderly check my little pets of green, I am able to reflect on the talents that Heavenly Father has given me. Any 'right' choices I may be making. Sometimes it is so easy to look at all my spiritual weeds and not notice the beautiful flowering shrub I have been working on. I fear that in noticing good choices and the beautiful rewards it may be perceived as prideful and ugly. I have come to realize that Heavenly Father doesn't expect nor want us to be constantly throwing dirt at ourselves. It is okay to notice those beautiful things. We just can't stop and freeze and never start gardening again while we enjoy those things.
   Finally at the end of the day as I achingly try to stand and look at what those little aches have helped me accomplish, I am filled with peace. I know that there is more work coming to the very spot that I just finished cleaning. That more little trials are buried in the rich soil and will be peeking up to pester me soon. I know that I can choose to ignore them until they hide the colors and fragrances I have worked hard to spotlight or I can pick them out as soon as they emerge. There are so many lessons in the garden!

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