Sunday, July 28, 2013

Fun Without Black Powder

We had a great time without the expense and risk of fireworks. We purchased glow sticks. We were going to have a game of glow bowling. I had saved large clear pop bottles and put a few glow sticks in each one. The boys loved them. They carried them like lanterns and tucked them in the foliage around the yard. We had large packing bubbles and they stomped on them on the driveway. We watched fireworks exploding in the heavens all around us. The boys discovered that Popie can walk on his hands. We even sang some which we heard the exclamation, "Top it guys." from Little T.
The glow bottle

Wow! He really is super.

Spot me

Wow! electric E is going to be great!

Moms love it also.

Not bad for free!

I forgot about glow Frisbee

Blankets and short chairs...all we need.

Jermiah showed the boys how to hold the glow sticks....funny, we are reminded of Wolverine and Freddie Kruger. (Please ignore the ghost of Little T)


Morgan said...

The handstands were seriously my favorite part.

Stephanie said...

Looks like it was so fun! Wish we were there!

Rebekah said...

I wish I had asked you for firework-less ideas! They were banned here...