Friday, December 16, 2011

Happily Ever After...

You know in fairy tales, the end is 'and they lived happily ever after'. Having been in happily ever after, I want to give you some details. In my far away younger days, I thought happily ever after was the princess and her wonderful prince walking hand in hand down lovely garden paths with flowers bursting into blooms as they passed. They were accompanied by butterflies and birds. Their castle was large, beautiful and handsomely furnished. Their little royal offspring were perfect. Life was perfect. How glad I am that true happily ever after isn't that boring.
Happily ever after= the prince and princess have their own thoughts and opinions. Sometimes they don't match up and they learn wisdom and love while working on an equitable solution. The castle needs repairing... a lot! The kids are normal and have lots of 'growing experiences'. The kingdoms cash runs out. But through all these exciting times, the prince and princess are still in love.
My happily ever after experienced a miracle this week. My prince almost took a trip to a different world. I would have had a lonely happily ever after if my miracle didn't occur. Superman proved to be super again with the help of the priesthood and great blessings from our Heavenly Father. He experienced a stroke on Wednesday. I watched him in a scary state and stood by his side. In the emergency room, I held my lips to his head and asked him to stay with me. He whispered back that he would. Then within a few hours he was coming back to me. I thank my Heavenly Father for every minute He has given me with Steve. My eternal marriage is such a gift. My Christmas means so much more because the Savior has given me the love of my life and my hereafter life... and let me enjoy more temporal time with Steve.
We have felt the love and prayers of all our loved ones. What power! We love you all. Thanks for your strength. Do me a favor and hug your special people. Celebrate your blessings as you remember all that was given to us with the birth of a divine king.


adrienne said...

I'm so glad that Steve is doing so much better. Your post made me almost cry when you wrote about you getting to still spend Happily Ever After together. We will be keeping you in our thoughts as prayers!

Lesley said...

That was a beautiful and thought provoking post Becky. I'm so happy that all is well. We have prayed hard. We love "our" Johnson's. It is a happy, happy Christmas.

Lilian said...

That was so beautifully written Becky. Steve has definitely been in our thoughts and prayers. I'm so glad he's doing better. I love this post!

Tiffany said...

Very poignantly written. We've had you in our thoughts and prayers these last few days. We hope he continues to recover well.

Bonnie and Jim said...

And what a beautiful miracle it was. Our prayers were answered. Our best to you and your family for a wonderful Christmas together.