Hayden with a special friend at his surprise birthday party
Hayden was a bonus baby. I knew I had two more children, but Steve kept saying 'no'. Finally the Spirit let Steve know and we prepared to welcome a new member of the family. I remember when he was born, I thought I had won some kind of heavenly sweepstakes. He had a deep voice as a baby and fuzzy hair that grew into ringlets as he got older. I couldn't cut them off. One day while bathing him, I noticed his hair was half way down his back. That is when we decided to make him a big boy. Does anyone remember his 'man voice' from Jr. Primary?
All too soon he grew up. But another treasure unfolded. When he 'tooted' his first horn, the music in him got a release. He is full of music. What joy he brings to me. He sings, plays guitar, trumpet, a little piano and can pretty much make any instrument he touches relinquish a song. He loves to sing with the family, which was pretty small last family night. Carter wasn't in a singing mode, Dad was at work, so it was just Mom and Hayden. I have to say my voice isn't right on these days and I felt pathetic at first. Soon we had it down. What a great way to end Family Home Evening. I also enjoyed a great band concert with him last night. I even heard his solos!
Hayden is a leader. He is very active in the Boy Scouts Order of the Arrow. He has even encouraged Carter to participate. When Hayden decides something needs to be done, he is ruthless until it is done. (I think he is starting to think about homework that way!!! Yipee)
I try not to be prideful, but it was so much fun experiencing "Singing in the Rain" with him. I was awed that he could tap dance so well with the few lessons he had. He sang great. Acted great and I was thrilled.

He seems like he is older than his years, which concerns me sometimes. I am grateful that he has a testimony and goals to serve to the Savior. I am 'happy' of the way he is planning his life.

I had to say that I always enjoy being around Hayden. He's definitely on of my "favorites" of Jeff's young men.
I love to see Hayden, he exudes confidence in his demeanor. What a great kid!
Happy Birthday Hayden. You are a very talented young man.
I remember you walked over to my house with newborn Hayden in your arms to see my new kitchen. I will never forget the joy that exuded from you that day because of this baby son that you wanted so much. I love Hayden. He was handsome from the very start, I can still see him on his blessing day in his little mountain man outfit that you made him. I was amazed at his performance in "Singin' in the Rain". We we "happy of him" too. I was once the recipient of a plate of cookies and a note from Hayden. He is a great young man.
I cant' believe how mature he is!! I've been away too long... And Lacey is so beautiful!
Did we have to have the picture of Hayden after the family campout with all the fuzz and half asleep?
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