Morgan came into my life on a beautiful May morning. She is has always been full of fun. I can close my eyes now and see her one handed cartwheels and that blonde hair that had a mind of it's own. (Odd, because now her hair always looks great!) She has always seemed to have music in her soul and dances away. She is thoughtful and looks for ways to treat others to pampering around her. Morgan had a best friend when she was little named Ashleigh. They were so cute together. I remember putting them in the same playpen on a camping trip. A few minutes later, Morgan was all messy and Ashleigh was still sitting there perfect. They loved each other. Ashleigh's mission assignment on this earth was short. When she got sick, I wondered how Morgan would react. My heart was warmed when Morgan just loved her friend and would lay by her hugging her. I am sure there is a joyful reunion planned in the next life.
I remember one of Morgan's first dates. She had asked a young man in the neighborhood to the Christmas dance. She looked beautiful that night. I also remember him giving her a very large bear for a Christmas gift. I wondered if there was some kind of mutual attraction right then...I was right. They fell in love and were eventually married. Kenny has been a great son in law to us. He is helpful and seems to know when we need his help. He is a great husband and father. He has a high level on spiritual wisdom, and is always kind to everyone.
Kenny and Morgan welcome a star right out of heaven last winter.

Colton is an extra special child. He has a smile the starts at his mouth and spreads radiantly all over his face. I love to call his name and watch that smile as he recognizes me! One of my most treasured moments this year was watching him be sealed to his parents in an eternal family. I am truly blessed by the Goudy family.

Morgan always seems to be smiling. Maybe that's why her son is always smiling. Beautiful family.
I love Morgan. My heart has held a tender spot for her as I've watched her grow up. She is Ashleigh's BFF and they will someday have a joyful reunion as you said. Morgan is always smiling and happy, and I LOVE her laugh. She's a good wife and Mommy. I think Kenny is great!! Recently Morgan came to our house to get a bike, she was so excited it was fun to watch her. Kenny immediately pumped up the bike for her and she was riding it down the street. Little Colton is soooo cute. He gave me a big smile at your house the other day. I was telling my family about it all weekend long. I love the Goudy family.
I also love the Goudy family and I'm grateful for Morgan. She is one of my best friends. She is so good at talking to other people and I try to study how she does it, but when I try to talk to strangers or people in my ward they just look at me like, "Why are you talking to me?" I wish I had Morgan's skills
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