Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Count My Many Blessings

I am noticing all the blessings that I have. They are many. I would like to regularly show some old memories and celebrate all my good times. I chose to remember these great days. (And Jeremiah's marriage to Marian of which I have no pictures. ) I feel so blessed because the spouses of my children are wonderful. They are intelligent, loving and precious people. I love them all! Not only that but they produced some pretty spectacular children. Each of these days were filled with happy feelings and are some of my most precious memories. I love you my children in law!


Bonnie and Jim said...

You have a beautiful family Becky, and you are a good mother.I know this was a special weekend for you all. Hope all went well.

Lilian said...

I hear you had a wonderful experience with the Goudy's I'm so happy for them! I love seeing these pictures again too! You are a good mom Becky!